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4x7 inches. Gouache on watercolor sketchbook paper.


It's such a rare treat not to have wind and fog at the beach in northern California, especially in the springtime. You really just have to choose the right day to be out there, since even in the middle of the summer you can have a foggy day. The Pacific Ocean. What a fickle mistress.


Another painting in the Strathmore Visual Journal. I achieved the layers by dry-brushing the semi-wet paint on top of the dry layer, aka scumbling. It's a great way to achieve a different more soft and painterly look in gouache.

Paint Drip #176 Dillon Beach

SKU: 100353

    All images on this site are copyright 2024 © Sergio Lopez. No content found on this website can be reproduced for financial gain without written consent by the owner of the copyright.

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