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Writer's pictureSergio Lopez

My Paintings For "Nature's Bounty"

The fall shows at Christopher Queen Gallery are always a big deal. They are the marquee shows of every year, so there is a bit of a pressure to put a big amount of effort into the paintings for the show. But pressure makes diamonds! And I hope you think of these as a little gem-like ;)

Info about the show at the end of the post.

"The Moon And The Cove" 13x26 inches. Oil on linen mounted to board.

This painting came from a day we were in Point Lobos State Preserve, we had to bend the rules a bit to stay in there as long as we needed to get this shot. I loved the moon rising over the hills and reflecting into the gently rippling water. The actual painting has much more subtle colors that didn't pick up so great in this photo (which is why you need to go to the show and check it out in person!)

"Emerging" 16x16 inches. Oil on linen mounted to board.

This painting was inspired by the fog gently covering the shores of Tomales Bay in the tiny town of Marshall, California. The boats were emerging out of the fog in such a way that there was just a kiss of sunlight over everything, making the shimmer look so magical!

"A Meeting Of Two Friends" 15x24 inches. Oil on linen mounted to board.

A fantastically beautiful evening at Lover's Point! We happened to be there when the ice plants were in full bloom. One of those perfect Monterey Bay days where there are enough clouds to make an interesting sunset but not too much that the evening light can't push through.

"Magic Carpets" 19x12 inches. Oil on canvas board.

An amazing thing about the walk along Lover's Point in Pacific Grove is the bright magenta colors of the flowers that carpet the entire pathway. They are so striking, even in the late evening light. I wanted to evoke the feeling of a brisk evening stroll along the cliff side.

"Springtime At The Pond" 18x24 inches. Oil on linen mounted to board.

This was one of the most beautiful days of the year in my opinion. It inspired two paintings, and probably will inspire more. We found our way to Tomales Bay State Park on a late spring day. We were not expecting the carpet of flowers everywhere! We made our way down to this pond and knew I wanted to paint the myriad of colors inside the pond and the reflections.

"Blue Blankets" 24x24 inches. Oil on linen mounted to board.

Here is another one of the paintings from that beautiful Marin spring day. The smell of lupines is so lovely and sweet; I can't wait to be surrounded by that fragrance again next year! We also don't get that many days with billowing clouds either(the fog, marine layer and arid climate mostly prevents that), So it was a great opportunity to get some beautiful skies.

"Summer Sunset" 24x48 inches. Oil on linen mounted to board.

I wanted this painting to have a feeling of staring at the setting sun at the end of a perfect wind-less day. The size is crucial. I want someone to sit closely in front of it and imagine themselves sitting on the sand with a thin blanket (perhaps sitting close to their love, or their best friend), watching the pelicans fly by in the distance, and watching the waves crash on the shore over and over again.

I also brought a bunch of the small gouache and oil paintings I created for the Sonoma Plein Air event to the gallery, so those will also be available to view and purchase there.

Christopher Queen Gallery

"Nature's Bounty"

Opens November 6th, 2022

Reception 1-3 pm

Gallery open 11-5 Thursday to Monday

Show continues through February 2023

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